The Linux Revival Pack offers a great way to have some fun bringing back an old laptop or PC that is 10+ years old that you may have confined as scrap. Then bringing it back to life, running Linux securely and fast in this modern day environment. See what is available away from the Linux OS heavyweights with the joy of a short, rewarding hobby project - bringing back a PC you once loved back to life again with Linux.
On average the lifecycle of Laptops and PC's tends to be around 5-6 years. So over time, we can accumulate computer hardware that once served us well, but is now confined to the attic or shoved in a wardrobe. One of the great qualities of Linux is the choice, which can at times be a bit bewildering when choosing your first Linux OS or picking another suitable distro, but also act a benefit due to the wide variety of uses.
Our 50% discounted pack is aimed at restoring old PC hardware with a specification as low as of 233mhz CPU and 64mb of memory or higher. In principle, hardware which is well over 10 years old. The Linux Revival Pack is supplied in 32-bit and on 3 DVDs and 2 CDs to increase the chances of success:
Bodhi Linux 5.1.0 DVD (Legacy)
AntiX 23 DVD
SparkyLinux 7.0 DVD
Puppy Linux 22.12 CD
Tiny Core 14 CD

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