Bringing Ubuntu vs Pop OS, two of the most popular Linux OS right now to try and compare against each other on the fastest, most reliable installation method - USB 3.0 - giving the option to format and re-use each USB drive at a later date. The pack contains 2 x USB 3.0 Thumb Drives that allow you to install or run each Linux OS in Live mode to test out and evaluate.
Ubuntu Linux 24.04 LTS 64GB USB Drive allows a full install of one of the easiest and most popular Linux distributions. This LTS edition comes with support till 2025. Containing the latest stable software and features, including the new Gnome 3 Desktop, Linux Kernel 5.8.0 and LibreOffice 7.0.2
Pop!_OS 22.04 offers a polished and streamlined Linux experience tailored for both productivity and creativity. Enjoy a unique, workflow-focused desktop design, automatic window tiling, powerful customization options, and dedicated support for NVIDIA graphics cards. Benefit from its Ubuntu-based stability and regular updates.
Supplied on : 64GB USB Drives
Pack contains: 2 x USB 3.0 Drives - one with Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and one with Pop OS 22.04.